[It's Showtime]: Amsterdam Arena - Badr Hari vs Hesdy Gerges firmato per Amsterdam (29/05/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

22 febbraio 2010

[It's Showtime]: Amsterdam Arena - Badr Hari vs Hesdy Gerges firmato per Amsterdam (29/05/2010)

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After a long process that saw both Ernesto Hoost and Remy Bonjasky courted, It's Showtime has finally landed on an opponent for Badr Hari for their huge Amsterdam show. On May 29, it will be Badr Hari v. Hesdy Gerges. Gerges was rumored as the opponent a few weeks ago, but this finally makes it official.

While this may lack a bit of the punch of either Hoost or Bonjasky, this is still a tremendous fight. Gerges is on a huge roll, defeating Karaev and Slowinski among others and looking very strong as of late. He's training with Thom Harinck these days and has all the tools to become a major player. He's already seen competition at this level, having faced Semmy Schilt last year for K-1, but Hari will clearly pose a very stiff challenge for the rising star. There's no denying that Hari is the favorite here, but this is not the mismatch Hari v. Bouzidi was - Gerges is a true threat and if he comes in with a flawless game plan and executes it perfectly, a win is not out of the question.

Gerges was originally set to face Daniel Ghita at this card - Ghita's opponent now moves to the elusive "TBA".

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