[ASTRA]: MMA Giapponese - novità in arrivo questa settimana (25/04/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

23 febbraio 2010

[ASTRA]: MMA Giapponese - novità in arrivo questa settimana (25/04/2010)

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When the news from Japan starts flowing, it doesn't stop, as last week K-1 finally unveiled some of its plans for the K-1 MAX Japan tournament, and after the initial announcement of Hidehiko Yoshida's ASTRA retirement show, it looks like some more solid information will finally come out this week, so says J-ROCK's Kokuho.

In a new blog post by J-Rock’s Kokuho he writes that this upcoming week might be the week of announcement for ASTRA. That includes sponsors, broadcast, etc. It looks like they have something strong in regards to backing of the event. The card will most likely consist of 11 fights (including the opening fights).

Kazuhiro Nakamura has once again appealed for a fight with his teacher. Satoru Kitaoka says that he will most likely make his return in June for a fight in Pancrase but if he’s feeling well there is a chance for an April return as well (ASTRA I would guess).

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