[MMA]: la sospensione per Josh Barnett da parte della CSAC continua | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

24 febbraio 2010

[MMA]: la sospensione per Josh Barnett da parte della CSAC continua

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One has to wonder what is going on in Josh Barnett's head sometimes, after the death of Affliction, which many blamed on Barnett for testing positive for anabolic steroids (...again), Barnett has filed an appeal with the California State Athletic Commission to both clear his name and regain his license to compete. You might be curious as to what this has to do with Barnett continuing his career, as his suspension is currently just in the state of California and was only a one year suspension. Think back to when Antonio "Bigfoot" Silva failed a steroid test, and the talk was of him fighting in Japan before his suspension was up and that the CSAC saw this as a violation and could refuse to re-license Silva in the state and that cooperating Athletic Commissions would most likely follow suit.

Does it make sense now why it is a big deal that Barnett somehow failed to show, delaying his hearing for a whopping fourth time? Barnett, since his suspension, has been participating in Antonio Inoki's "IGF" pro wrestling promotion, just like after his last suspension for steroids he joined the Inoki-related New Japan Pro Wrestling until he was able to fight again. The last time this happened, he made sure to wait the full year before participating in his next MMA bout, which for a fighter in his prime, losing a year was a giant blow, now he is looking at possibly losing yet another year of his career. The first hearing was postponed because Barnett sought a new law firm to represent him and they required more evidence, the second was Barnett's attorney had travel issues and couldn't be there in person, now this third time Barnett was out of the country and neglected to appear at his own hearing, with his lawyers doing their best to cover for him.

The talks of Barnett vs. anybody or him possibly signing a contract with Strikeforce will need to cool down yet again, as his hearing has been pushed back to April 20th, then you'll have to hope that he is cleared, but at that point it will be 9 months into his suspension.

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