[K-1 MAX]: Europe Qualifying GP - Tarik el Idrissi fuori (21/03/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

22 febbraio 2010

[K-1 MAX]: Europe Qualifying GP - Tarik el Idrissi fuori (21/03/2010)

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Tarik el Idrissi has been forced to withdraw from the March 21 K-1 MAX Europe Qualifying GP. El Idrissi made the following statement:

We regret to announce that Tarik El Idrissi must withdraw from the matchmaking of Amsterdam Fight Club and K-1 Max Holland. Tarik was in very intensive training for these two fights, however, Tarik has a medical setback and his injury is still not healed enough to participate in these events. Both Team Black Label Fighting and Tarik El Idrissi regret this deeply, both for the fans and to the organizations, which relied on Tarik as part of their matchmaking. Of course we will keep you informed of progress regarding the injury of Tarik.

This is indeed an unfortunate setback for the el Idrissi, who was set to take part in the qualifying tournament, and was one of the early favorites to win and earn the spot in the Final 16. We of course wish him all the best for a speedy recovery.

No word yet on who will take his tournament spot.

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