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LIAM HARRISON VS SAENCHAI SOR KINGSTAR | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

7 novembre 2008


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Tickets now on sale - call the box office on 0208 6889291 - this show will sell out.
Yes believe your eyes! The best pound for pound muaythai fighter in the world will come to fight for Dan Green Promotions in London on 7th February 2009.
Current Lumpini Champion Sanchai Sor Kingstar will go up against top English fighter and WMC World Champion Liam Harrison of Bad Company Leeds in what will be Harrison's biggest ever fight!
Sanchai Sor Kingstar has been universally regarded as the best pound for pound muaythai fighter in the world for many years globally. In his last fight in August he beat current Thailand fighter of the year Wuttidet Lukprabart in what is regarded as fight of the year so far.
He was taken under the wing of Gold Olympic Medallist Somluck Khasming initially and won his first Lumpini title beating Neungsiam Fairtex. He was voted fighter of the year in 1999 and ever since has been regarded at the top of his game. Now 27 years old he is still current Lumpini Champion and regarded as simply unstoppable at his weight.
The list of top names that he has beaten cannot be compared and includes: Orono Por Petchpun, Jomthong Chuwattana, Nopparat Kiatgamthon, Singdam Kiatmuu9, Khem Sor Polenchit, Fabio Pinca, Ponpitak Ptechudomchaio & many others
If anyone from Europe though can beat Sanchai under Full Thai Rules though it's Liam Harrison, who has won his last five fights (2 against top 10 ranked Thais) by stoppage.
This is the biggest muaythai fight ever to take place in England - where will you be on 7th February?
Tickets now on sale - call the box office on 0208 6889291

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