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19 giugno 2008


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Its almost that time for all competitors to put up or shut up, get up from behind your keyboard and represent your country!! The ADCC UK and Irish Nationals are around the corner and this one is the big one. Its for the qualification for the European trials which will be held next year possibly in Finland once again.Speaking of representing your country, Xande Riberio gets interviewed by our friends over at the FightWorks Podcast after his dramatic win in the mundials (see below).Now on to MMA, UFC 88 brings the Iceman vs Evans To Atlanta! From UFC 85 to UFC 88. The prosponed fight that was suppose to take place in London has now been moved to UFC 88. Liddell vs Evans is the awaited return of the Iceman and EvansAlso Dana White announced that Quote: “Lorenzo Fertitta, the president of one of the most successful casino chains in Las Vegas, resigned his position with Station Casinos on Wednesday to work full-time with the UFC.” What this will mean for MMA and the UFC is that now they will go into overdrive and take this sport onto the levels of other major sporting events/organisations. Watch this space!!!

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