[UFC]: Dana White prepara un controattacco a Strikeforce il 17 aprile | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

6 marzo 2010

[UFC]: Dana White prepara un controattacco a Strikeforce il 17 aprile

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Sources within Spike TV on Friday confirmed to Sherdog.com that preparations have begun for a live UFC event on April 17, which would counter the Strikeforce “Nashville” show headlined by Dan Henderson vs. Jake Shields at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn.

The venue for the proposed UFC event has not been settled upon, though speculation centers on Vanderbilt University’s Memorial Gymnasium in Nashville. Tennessee Athletic Commission Executive Director Jeff Mullen told Sherdog.com the UFC had not yet applied for a permit.

“I have not received an event permit for a UFC event,” Mullen said. “I’d have to research this to make sure we can adequately regulate two events of this size [on the same night].”

Sherdog.com has also learned that a proposed Mike Swick-Matt Serra main event will not take place, as Swick will not be fit to compete in time. The American Kickboxing Academy-based welterweight contender suffered his second straight defeat in a technical submission loss to Paulo Thiago at UFC 109 last month.

“Not fighting Serra guys,” Swick wrote on Twitter. “Most likely having surgery soon. Dr appt on Mon. to figure out how they are going to fix my arm which is most certainly only w/surgery. MRI results were pretty bad.”

Meanwhile, a source within Strikeforce confirmed that, should the UFC move forward with plans to counter on April 17, the promotion could move its event to April 24 and run head-to-head with World Extreme Cagefighting’s pay-per-view debut. CBS, which will carry the Strikeforce “Nashville” show, could accommodate such a move, sources said. However, representatives from CBS declined to comment publicly on the matter.

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