[Strikeforce on CBS]: Aoki-Melendez commenti (17/04/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

22 marzo 2010

[Strikeforce on CBS]: Aoki-Melendez commenti (17/04/2010)

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Strikeforce World Lightweight Champion Gilbert Melendez:

I don’t think you’ll be seeing 20-hit combos like me and Josh (Thomson) going out there but you’ll see some hard hitting, probably see a little more technical. This is probably going to be a lot more technical. It’s unbelievable that he’s coming to the U.S. to fight me. It says something about him, and he’s the biggest star in Japan. That shows some confidence. I’m happy about it.

"Aoki is the No. 2 fighter in the world and I think he’s an amazing mixed martial artist. I’m excited to fight the guy. That’s what he has on everybody — his ground game and submission. Am I prepared for it? I believe so. I have to be prepared for all his submissions.

"My biggest advantage in this fight is my stand up and my patience. I’ve been fortunate enough to see the Aoki style. I’m just going to be patient and let it happen. I think I can knock this guy out in two rounds.

"I’m really happy to have this fight on CBS. Millions of people will be watching and, yeah, it definitely makes a difference. To me it’s a coming out party to display my skills to the world."

DREAM Champion and Challenger Shinya Aoki:

"This fight is nothing special. I will fight as usual. I feel I’m representing DREAM and also Japan."

"He’s a very aggressive fighter. He’s a good fighter representing the United States. It’s going to be a very quick fight, a quick submission or a quick knockout, but either way it’s going to be a personal fight.

"He’s a top-ranked fighter in the United States but I can take his pressure and I’m going to beat him and take back two world title belts to Japan."

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