[K-1]: WGP in Yokohama - Karaev Drops out of Le Banner fight; Spong steps in as replacement (03/04/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

22 marzo 2010

[K-1]: WGP in Yokohama - Karaev Drops out of Le Banner fight; Spong steps in as replacement (03/04/2010)

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More changes to big fights at K-1: Ruslan Karaev has dropped out of his April 3 fight with Jerome Le Banner at the K-1 Yokohama show. In his place will be Tyrone Spong, stepping in to face JLB. No word yet on why Karaev dropped out.

While Spong v. Le Banner is not a bad match-up, this still does come as a disappointment. Stylistically, Karaev v. Le Banner was a good pairing, with two heavy hitters, both in a low point in their careers, trying to get some redemption from recent performances. It was intriguing to see where both men stood, particularly Karaev, who has been a very frustrating fighter to follow in recent years.

Once considered one of the next top fighter in K-1, Karaev's last few years have seen extensive lay-offs, and some less than stellar performances. This was capped by his loss to Hesdy Gerges last October, a fighter who has since shown that he is not at that top level of competition just yet. Karaev has a lot of fans, who still look back on his wins over Hari and Leko as proof of his skill, but with the exception of a 2009 victory of Kyotaro, Karaev simply has not demonstrated that he is a top-tier fighter recently. This was a good opportunity to reassert his position, and it is a shame to see him on the shelf yet again.

Spong was rumored to face Singh Jaideep on this card, though that fight was not yet announced.

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