[MMA]: la confusione tra Fedor Emelianenko, Josh Barnett, Alistair Overeem ed i pesi massimi non UFC

Then there is Fedor Emelianenko. According to some message board poster, Fedor is currently training for an upcoming fight, claimed to be in the US. It is not hard to believe that Fedor is training for an upcoming fight, but it is a tough sell that it is for a fight in the United States just yet. There is a chance that his camp believes things with Strikeforce, but according to sources within M-1, things look rather grim. According to M-1 Global, Strikeforce has not honored the contract that they signed with M-1 and the only way Fedor will fight in a Strikeforce cage again is if they sign a new contract. M-1 is looking for a partner and to have Strikeforce cards featuring Fedor to be fully co-promoted cards.
To put it bluntly, M-1 Global is looking at other potential partners right now if Strikeforce doesn't shape up. Generally speaking, that does not mean there is a healthy relationship with Strikeforce and that the chances of seeing Fedor fighting outside of Strikeforce have gone up. Now, is this just them trying to scare Strikeforce into conceding to their demands or are they seriously shopping Fedor and M-1 Global around is the question.
So where does the horse meat-eating Alistair Overeem fit into this equation? K-1 has listed him as a possible participant in the K-1 World Grand Prix in Yokohama, and this lines up with our previous reports of Alistair having one last K-1 bout in March or April. I've recently spoken to one of the most outspoken men in combat sports, Bas Boon, the manager of Golden Glory fighters like Alistair Overeem and Sem Schilt. Bas and his relationship with M-1 Global is no secret, they do not agree with each other, but both Boon and Finklestein have gone on record with HKL saying that they would do business with each other in regards to booking Overeem vs. Fedor. When prompted as to who GG has been in talks with for Overeem to fight and if it will be in K-1 or DREAM, he offered a very uncharacteristic response that he could not comment, as they were still negotiating. Bas Boon does not "no comment." That could mean a lot of thing, so take it as you will.