[K-1]: WGP in Yokohama - Le Banner vs Karaev (03/04/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

2 marzo 2010

[K-1]: WGP in Yokohama - Le Banner vs Karaev (03/04/2010)

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Dutch sites are reporting that at the K-1 Yokohama event on April 3 we will see Jerome Le Banner v. Ruslan Karaev. Both men have been confirmed for the event by K-1, though not as opponents. Reports indicate that Le Banner will be training with Thom Harinck and Peter Aerts at Chakuriki Gym for the fight.

This is a very interesting fight between two men trying to hold on to their spots. An all-time great, Le Banner seems to be at the end of the line, putting in subpar performances in recent years, including a much discussed and derided showing against Semmy Schilt at the 2009 GP. Before that event he called the 2009 GP his last Grand Prix run. With a win here he may change his tune, but a loss could indeed finally end his GP dreams.

Karaev meanwhile was at one time one of THE hot young prospects in K-1, a name mentioned alongside Badr Hari as the future of the sport. However, inactivity in recent years, as well as some spotty performances have diminished his star. In 2009 he had a good win over Kyotaro, but was demolished by both Hari and Hesdy Gerges in fights that left many questioning Karaev's role in K-1 moving forward. More so than JLB, he desperately needs a strong win here to silence the skeptics.

No matter who wins, both men are sluggers who will look to engage. Hopefully both men will give it their all - if they do, expect a fast-paced exciting fight. But if either (or both) come in at less than their best, a potential fight of the night could turn into a lackluster decision. Let's hope for the former.

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