[K-1]: WGP in Yokohama - Peter Aerts vs Kyotaro per il titolo Heavyweight | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

26 febbraio 2010

[K-1]: WGP in Yokohama - Peter Aerts vs Kyotaro per il titolo Heavyweight

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Let's face it, Peter Aerts might have seen his best days being behind him now, with our first ever K-1 World Grand Prix without Mr. K-1 behind us, it is time to look to the future, but what sort of future is without Peter Aerts? K-1 is still trying to figure out what to do with Aerts, and in the same vein they are trying to figure out what to do with their non-GP titles and their current Heavyweight Champion, Kyotaro.

So it was decided at the K-1 World Grand Prix Yokohama Kyotaro will defend the K-1 Heavyweight Championship against Peter Aerts. K-1 has proven a bit gun shy when it comes to handling championships that are not based on tournaments alone, as Badr Hari held this championship and did not do much with it, was stripped of it, and Kyotaro won a tournament, thus winning the title. The big problem is, Kyotaro was kicked out of the World Grand Prix by Ruslan Karaev last year, then fought Tyrone Spong at the Grand Prix Final in a Superfight with no sign of the title. Of course Spong defeated Kyotaro and we all wonder what the point of that title was.

The other announcements that were made were what fighters will participate, and impressive line-up of; Semmy Schilt, Badr Hari, Remy Bonjasky, Alistair Overeem, Jerome Le Banner, Errol Zimmerman, Ruslan Karaev and of course, Melvin Manhoef. The mysterious next FEG bout of Alistair Overeem might finally be decided, as it is doubtful that K-1 will make him fight on a DREAM card and mere days later have him fight in K-1. On top of that, well, look at those names and no matter how you slice it, there is no way that this will be anything but a blockbuster event.

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