Jason David Frank, ex Power Ranger vuole combattere con Jean-Claude Van Damme | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

17 febbraio 2010

Jason David Frank, ex Power Ranger vuole combattere con Jean-Claude Van Damme

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We've been covering the ongoing saga with Jean-Claude Van Damme looking to organize a kickboxing fight between Olympic boxer Somluck Kamsing and while the Muscles from Brussels has yet to publicly confirm the details from the fight, members inside of his camp feel very confident about the fight going down some time this year.

Of course this seems like a year where celebrities being involved in combat sports will wear out us fans, Herschel Walker made his Strikeforce debut, Jose Conseco wants to fight him and is taking photos with fighters in fight camps to hype it up and a former Power Ranger, Jason David Frank (known as the Green Ranger and White Ranger in the spandex-clad, oddly Japanese show for American children years ago) has entered the ring himself. Well, it turns out Jason David Frank is still pissed at JCVD for not shaking his hand at a Power Rangers premier and wants to fight him. Seriously, would TMZ lie? They sure as hell don't fact check.

Jean-Claude Van Damme -- the most badass fighting sensation of the 90s -- just got challenged to an MMA fight by a guy who used to fight puppets in spandex ... all over an incident from 15 years ago.

The guy issuing the challenge is former White Ranger Jason David Frank, who tells TMZ, he's had it out for Van Damme ever since 1995 when the Muscles from Brussels -- who had been Frank's childhood hero -- allegedly blew him off during the premiere of "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie."

This is actually fantastic publicity for the Muscles from Brussels, believe it or not.

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