[K-1]: Awesome Rare Video of the Day: Don the Dragon Wilson KO's Branko Cikatic | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

21 aprile 2010

[K-1]: Awesome Rare Video of the Day: Don the Dragon Wilson KO's Branko Cikatic

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The world of kickboxing is really a place where legends are forgotten by history due to poor record-keeping, so much to my surprise today somebody forwarded me this gem of a video; Don the Dragon Wilson, a legendary kickboxer and martial artist (if you haven't already, look up the Bloodfist series, stat) knocking out Branko Cikatic, the first K-1 World Grand Prix Champion. Many people believed a lot of Don Wilson's stories to be hype to build up his movie career, and with little video available or simply held by reclusive collectors, many of us may never truly know. What we can tell for sure is that Don Wilson truly beat the crap out of Branko Cikatic.

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