[It's Showtime]: Budapest risultati (17/04/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

20 aprile 2010

[It's Showtime]: Budapest risultati (17/04/2010)

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It's Showtime held an event in Budapest this weekend, with what a lot of people are calling mixed success. In the main event, Attila Karacs defeated Adnan Redzovic via decision after an extension round. Live reports are indicating that this fight, along with earlier fights, were somewhat plodding in action and made for a lackluster show.

Perhaps the biggest story coming out is another win for 77kg champion Cosmo Alexandre, who defeated Csaba Gyorfy via cut in round 1. The cut came after a flying knee - the exact same strike Cosmo used to win the title from Dmitry Shakuta in Milan. Alexandre is on a great roll here as this marks his 8th straight win, including victories over John Wayne Parr, Naruepol, and Tum Madsue, along the way winning an Evolution tournament, the Muay Thai King's Cup, and the It's Showtime title. It's a shame the 77kg division is not very full, as I hope to keep seeing Alexandre against the best in the world.

In other main card results, Anderson Braddock Silva rebounded from his loss to Redzovic by defeating Tihamer Brunner via decision; Bjorn Bregy decisioned Wendell Roche, and Murtel Groenhart TKO'd Daniel Geczi.

Full results after the jump.


Triff Calin vs Gergely Busai
Gergely Busai WOP

Juhás Atitila vs Zahari Máté
Juhás Atitila WOP

Kiss Dávid vs Bagdi Tamás
Bagdi Tamás WOP

Zahari Vince vs Szabó Gabor
Szabó Gabor submission

Bonifert János vs Soltész László
oltész László submission

Szolomayer József vs Jánosi Lásló
Jánosi Lásló WOP

Vesztergom Józef vs Cseh Róbert
Vesztergom Józef submission

Panin Marius vs Halmi Viktor
Panin Marius submission
*Some confusion here as some sources indicate Halmi was the winner

Majzik Norbert vs Nagy Ede
Nagy Ede WOP

Doro István vs Brics Tamás
Brics Tamás WOP

Vörös Roland vs Kunkli Tivadar
Kunkli Tivadar (medical intervention)

Nills van Noord vs Zsolt Zatureczky
Nills van Noord referee stop contest

Part 2

Anderson Silva vs Tihamer Brunner
Anderson Silva WOP

Arafat Iallouchen vs Barnabas Szucs
Arafat Iallouchen WOP

Wendell Roche vs Björn Bregy
Björn Bregy WOP

Murthel Groenhart vs Daniel Géczi
Murthel Groenhart TKO

It's Showtime World Title 77 kg max
Csaba Györfy vs Cosmo Alexandre
Cosmo Alexandre (medical intervention)

Adnan Redzovic vs Attila Karacs
Attila Karacs WOP (extra round)

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