[It's Showtime]: Amsterdam Arena - Petrosyan v. Holzken Cancelled? Petrosyan Rumored to be Injured (29/05/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

23 aprile 2010

[It's Showtime]: Amsterdam Arena - Petrosyan v. Holzken Cancelled? Petrosyan Rumored to be Injured (29/05/2010)

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Though it has not been officially confirmed yet, many sources are reporting that Giorgio Petrosyan has dropped out of his May 29 It's Showtime fight with Nieky Holzken. Once again, the culprit appears to be the champ's nagging hand injury. So far, the news has come from Holzken's camp, with no word yet from Petrosyan's or It's Showtime.

If this turns out to be true, this is very unfortunate news as it will mark the third major fight Petrosyan has dropped out of since his breakthrough performance last year. Already we've been denied the fight with Masato and Sato, and while the Holzken fight would not have been on that same level, it would have been a very exciting contest. Petrosyan is clearly one of, if not the, best fighters in the world, and while he has plenty of time left in his career, it's a let down to see him drop out again. Some are very critical of this news, however I see no reason to fault him here. That said, I do hope he takes the time to heal this injury properly, even if it means sitting out for some time, as that is preferable to these constant changes, or to this becoming an injury that haunts him throughout his career.

This has to be crushing news for Holzken. A hugely popular fighter in Amsterdam, Holzken has turned in very strong performances over the last year, and earned a high profile fight like this. With Petrosyan out, and with the card drawing nearer, it's uncertain who could step in to face The Natural at this point. Perhaps Albert Kraus, though personally I'd rather see Saiyok v. Holzken here.

As for It's Showtime, some are saying this card is facing many hardships, and while that's true, it was inevitable with so many early fight announcements. Still, with local favorite Tyrone Spong out, Holzken's fight up in the air, Souwer out, and a main event that is not what they may have hoped for, there must be some frustration from the It's Showtime camp.

We'll update with any official word that comes in.

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