[WEC 47]: Bowles vs Cruz - play by play (06/03/2010)
Round 1
Lamas pushes forward and lands a nice low kick, Casimir answers with punches to the head. Lamas advances again and lands a two punch combination followed by a leg kick. Casimir returns fire with an inside low kick. A spirited Lamas didn’t care for the shot to his inner thigh and responded with a flurry finalized by a head kick that sent Casimir backwards to the cage. After a brief tussle along the fence Lamas could not secure the takedown and the fighters returned to the center of the ring. Lamas then loaded up a flying knee that flattened Casimir. The left knee followed a right knee feint that sent Casimir sprawling down towards Lamas legs and right into the knockout blow. Referee Greg Franklin stepped in to save Casimir at 3:43 of the first round.
Courtney Buck vs. Fredson Paixao
Round 1
Buck tries to walk down Paixao but his shorter opponent circles away. Paixao shoots in about 40 seconds into the match and secures a single-leg takedown. Paixao immediately takes his back and sinks his hooks. Paixao is softening Buck up with shots from back mount while he searches for the rear-naked choke. Buck gets to his knees for a brief second but Paixao rolls him back over before slipping his arm under Buck’s chin to lock in the submission. Buck tries to fight it but eventually loses consciousness. Referee Mark Matheny checks his left arm but it is limp and he calls the bout at 2:39 of the first round.
Leonard Garcia vs. George Roop
Round 1
R1 Garcia low kicks to open the action, but Roop shrugs it off. Roop is headhunting early on while Garcia keeps his attack focused on the legs of his lanky opponent. Roop shoots in and secures the takedown, Garcia establishes his guard right away. Garcia cinches a guillotine, but can’t get any leverage on the choke with Roop pushing his shoulder into his chest. Roop pulls his head free and works some ground-and-pound. Garcia escapes back to his feet after a short scramble and lands some good shots in the final minute of the first round. Sherdog.com scores the first round 10-9 for Roop on the strength of his work from the top.
Round 2
Garcia heads back downstairs to start the second, lowkicking Roop to the legs and then loudly to the body. Roop waves Garcia on after a nice right. Roop tries clinching but Garcia shrugs him off. Garcia is looking a bit winded ever since the failed guillotine in the first. Roop drives in for another takedown and plants Garcia along the cage. Roop keeps Garcia stacked to lessen the chances of a submission attempt from the bottom. He improves position and tries to knee to the body, but referee Kevin Mulhall mistakenly thought it was to the head and separated the fighters. He warned Roop and restarted the bout. Garcia, perhaps feeling a bit desperate, launched into a full offensive. He lands some nice shots but Roop answers back as the round closes. Sherdog.com scores round two 10-9 for Roop.
Round 3
Roop looks the fresher of the two as the final round gets underway. He pots shots Garcia with the jab and then lands a nice head-kick that is partially blocked by Garcia. Roop drives in and scores another double-leg takedown but Garcia finds his way back to his feet quickly. Garcia drills Roop with a nice right and follows with a knee along the cage but Roop retreats unscathed. Roop connects to the groin of Garcia and Mulhall decides to take a point. On the restart, Garcia attacks wildly with punches before Roop takes him down yet again. The two fighters scrap frantically as the seconds tick down. Big shots are landed but both fighters remain upright until the final bell. Sherdog.com scores the final round 9-9 with the point deduction.
The official scores are 29-27 for Roop, 29-27 for Garcia and 28-28 for a split draw.
Danny Castillo vs. Anthony Pettis
Round 1
Fighters are feeling each other out a bit before Castillo lands a heavy low kick about 45 seconds into the bout. Pettis lurches forward with strikes and Castillo drops under for the takedown. Pettis tries to establish position but Castillo retreats back to his feat before he can even look for a submission. Castillo bullies Pettis into the cage and lands a hard knee to the groin that doubles Pettis over. The referee steps in and breaks the fight to allow him to recover. Just after the restart Pettis lands a blistering left-head kick to the head of Castillo that flat lines him. Pettis followed with punches until the referee Jerry Poe could get there to pull him away at 2:17 of the round.
Chad Mendes vs. Erik Koch
Round 1
Mendes bullies his way inside right off the bat but Koch escapes his clinch in swift fashion. Koch pops his jab but Mendes changes levels and pushes him back against the cage. Koch fights his way clear again and the crowd lets the fighters know they don’t appreciate the slow pace. Mendes finally gets the fight to the ground but Koch sits right up and tries to use the cage to walk back to his feet. Mendes fights to keep him down but can’t. Koch misses with a jab and gets slammed to the mat after Mendes drives him all the way across the cage. Koch works the rubber guard and strikes from the bottom. Mendes breaks the free and throws an elbow but his offense is limited. He tries to jump past the guard of Koch but is still snared as the round closes. The close round goes to Mendes 10-9.
Round 2
Mendes leaps in with a single right hand to kick off the second. Koch answers with a combination but is put on his back with a Mendes double for his effort. Koch works the rubber guard again while Mendes tries to get a little ground and pound attack going. Koch slips the leg in front of Mendes head but he defends by pulling his arm out and sitting back down in the guard. Mendes passes to half and tries to pin Koch’s left arm with his knee. He catches it for a second and lands a couple soft punches. Koch gets his guard back but Mendes is getting into the ground game. He lands a pair of hard elbows and a big left hand. Mendes passed to half again but Koch shrimps and goes for a kimura as the horn sounds. Round two clearly goes to Mendes 10-9 though the crowd is not enthralled by the ground struggle.
Round 3
Mendes kicks off the third with some chopping low kicks. Koch clinches as his corner Pat Barry urges him on, screaming “Go, you gotta go,” over and over. Mendes is cut outside the left eye, not sure if it was a punch or a head butt. Mendes puts Koch on the canvas again but can’t establish position before referee Greg Franklin stands them back up. The ringside physician checks Mendes cut and allows the bout to continue. Blood in pouring down the left side of Mendes face as Koch targets the cut with his jab. Mendes takes the fight back down with about 90 seconds to go but as Koch gets back to his feet Mendes inadvertently pokes him in the eye. Koch drops to the canvas in pain and Franklin breaks to allow him to recover. Mendes takes him right back down on the restart and lands a couple elbows before time expires. Round three goes to Mendes 10-9.
The official scores are 30-27 for Mendes on all three cards.
Scott Jorgensen vs. Chad George
Round 1
Jorgensen easily stuffs George’s shot to begin the fight. He takes hold of his neck and locks up a tight guillotine. George tries to back his way out but Jorgensen pins him along the cage and lifts him off the ground. George taps out at 31 seconds giving Jorgensen the win.
It was a vicious submission that left George in pain on the mat.
Bart Palaszewski vs. Karen Darabedyan
Round 1
Kevin Mulhall is your referee for the main card opener. Thirty seconds pass without the fighters touching. Both feinting. Palaszewski lands a kick to the leg. Darabedyan backs him into the cage and lights him up with lefts and rights before dumping him to the canvas. Palaszewski moves to his closed guard. Palaszewski climbs up with legs. Darabedyan postures out and punches. Palaszewski circles away from the cage. Darabedyan in his opponent’s half guard. 2:40 to go. Darabedyan delivers some short hammerfists and bigger punches before Palaszewski gets his closed guard back. Darabedyan breaks Palaszewski’s guard open and lands more punches. Palaszewski not close to a submission, only getting hit when he opens his guard. A minute to go. Palaszewski opens his guard and tries to hook an arm. Then Palaszewski sinks a
straight armbar, and Darabedyan tries to fight it off, but Palaszewski taps him for the win. Official time is 4:40.
Deividas Taurosevicius vs. L.C. Davis
Round 1
Jerry Poe is reffing. Both fighters in southpaw stances. Taurosevicius takes the center of the cage. They lock up after Davis ducks under a jab. He pushes Taurosevicius to the fence. Taurosevicius has one overhook and they trade short strikes on the opposite side. Taurosevicius reverses Davis to put Davis’ back against the fence, but Davis defends a takedown and puts Taurosevicius’ back against the fence again. 2:40 to go. The fighters are separated and restarted. Inside kick from Taurosevicius. Davis sticks Taurosevicius with a jab and they lock up with Taurosevicius against the cage. They trade knees to the body. Davis drops down for a single, stands back up when it isn’t there. Taurosevicius reverses Davis against the cage and tries for a single that fails. Taurosevicius tries for another single and then goes to a body lock, and Davis shows strong defense as the round ends.
Jordan Breen scored the round 10-9 Davis
TJ De Santis scored the round 10-9 Davis
Freddie DeFreitas scored the round 10-9 Davis
Round 2
An exchange begins the second without anything major landing. Both men back away when the other throws. Taurosevicius shoots for a double, and Davis defends against the fence. Taurosevicius switches to a single, and Davis sprawls on it, showing good defense, but Taurosevicius stays with it until he takes the top position on the ground. Davis working on standing up against the cage, and Taurosevicius trying to control him. Davis stands up without taking any damage. They’re clinched against the cage, 2:35 to go. Taurosevicius knees low and Davis groans, but the ref doesn’t intervene. Davis turns Taurosevicius around against the fence. Short punches and knees from both. They’re separated at 1:08 and restarted. One-two from Davis glances. Right hook from Davis glances, and they clinch again, with Taurosevicius working on a single-leg. Davis defends and tries for a double-leg that Taurosevicius defends.
Jordan Breen scored the round 10-10
TJ De Santis scored the round 10-9 Taurosevicius
Freddie DeFreitas scored the round 10-9 Taurosevicius
Round 3
Neither fighter wants to stay in the pocket and exchange. They take turns throwing and backing away and then clinch against the cage again. Taurosevicius works on a body lock. Taurosevicius misses a big elbow, and Davis reverses and then breaks. 3:00 to go. Davis ducks under some strikes for a takedown attempt, but it isn’t close. Taurosevicius works on a single-leg against the fence. Davis uses an overhook to stand him up, but Taurosevicius digs deep for a double-leg attempt. Davis defends well, and they’re restarted at 2:10 in the center. Davis throws a straight left and almost loses his footing and then finally hits a double-leg to ground Taurosevicius. Taurosevicius locks up Davis’ shoulder from the bottom and throws short punches until they’re stood up. 30 seconds to go. Taurosevicius misses a takedown and pushes Davis to the fence. Some boos from the audience, and the horn sounds, sending the fight to the judges.
Jordan Breen scored the round 10-10 (30-29 Davis)
TJ De Santis scored the round 10-9 Davis (29-28 Davis)
Freddie DeFreitas scored the round 10-9 Davis (29-28 Davis)
Official scores are 29-29, 29-28, 29-28, a majority decision for Davis.
Jens Pulver vs. Javier Vazquez
Round 1
Greg Franklin, brother of Rich Franklin is the referee. Pulver kicks to the thigh, and Vazquez tries to grab it for a takedown. Pulver defends. Vazquez pursues with punches and grabs another kick, but Pulver tries a guillotine. He rolls Vazquez to his back. Vazquez escapes, but Pulvers stands out. Back on the feet. Pulver kicks to the thigh again, and Vazquez gets the takedown. He takes Pulver’s back as Pulver tries to stand, but Pulver reverses and a quick-paced fight goes to Vazquez’s closed guard. 3:15 in. Pulver stands out and tries to kick, which Vazquez uses to take down Pulver. He works in Pulver’s butterfly guard and moves into side control. Vazquez locks up a crucifix and peppers Pulver’s ear. Pulver shoots his arms under Vazquez, who maintains control and goes to Pulver’s back with both hooks.
Vazquez tries to sink the rear-naked choke, but Pulver defends. Big lump on Pulver’s forehead. Vazquez stays on him, moves into mount and straightens Pulver’s arm for an armbar and the win. Dominant grappling by Vazquez. Official time is 3:41.
Miguel Torres vs Joseph Benavidez
Round 1
Mark Matheny is reffing. Torres flicks an inside leg kick. Benavidez standing in the center of the cage, Torres circling. Straight left from Benavidez out of a southpaw stance glances. Benavidez goes back conventional, and Torres kicks to his leg. Benavidez kicks back to Torres’ leg. Hard right from Benavidez during an exchange. Good leg kick by Benavidez, and he catches a kick and Torres trips. Torres stands back up. Benavidez closes against the cage. Benavidez throws Torres to the mat. 1:50 to go. Torres misses an armbar. Benavidez controls the head to keep Torres down. Now he’s working an arm-in guillotine that isn’t deep but does keep Torres on the mat. Torres has half guard, but Benavidez is controlling him. Torres regains full guard with 30 seconds to go. The round closes with Benavidez standing.
Jordan Breen scored the round 10-9 Benavidez
TJ De Santis scored the round 10-9 Benavidez
Freddie DeFreitas scored the round 10-9 Benavidez
Round 2
Benavidez holds his hands very high to start the second. Torres kicks into his arms. Torres circles. Benavidez switches stances and switches back conventional and drives a right hand into Torres’ body. Torres lands a jab. He misses a right and kicks to the body. Benavidez goes southpaw again and kicks to the body. Torres jabs. Benavidez kicks to the leg. Benavidez goes southpaw and shoots for a slick takedown and gets it. On the ground, Benavidez begins elbowing and opens Torres, who is bleeding badly. Torres misses an armbar and tries to roll out and grab a single-leg. Benavidez locks up a guillotine and rolls Torres. It’s deep, and a bloodied Torres taps. Official time is 2:57 of round two.
Brian Bowles vs. Dominick Cruz
Round 1
Kevin Mulhall is the ref for the main event. Cruz kicks to the thigh, and Bowles misses with a straight right counter. Cruz is moving around while Bowles looks for the KO. Good right from Cruz. He misses a wild left. He’s showing Bowles a variety of angles. Bowles glances him with an uppercut. Both fighters connect with rights. They break, and Cruz lands another right that hurts Bowles. Bowles breaks to recover. Cruz hopping in and out. He misses another wild right. 2:00 to go. Cruz counters with another right hand. Cruz gets a takedown with 1:15 left. Bowles gets up with 30 seconds left. Solid leg kick by Cruz.
Jordan Breen scored the round 10-9 Cruz
TJ De Santis scored the round 10-9 Cruz
Freddie DeFreitas scored the round 10-9 Cruz
Round 2
Both fighters jumping in and out of exchanges. Cruz lands the first good strike of the round, a kick to Bowles’ lead leg. Bowles tries to crowd Cruz and gets hit with a right on his ear. Bowles covers up, and Cruz flurries on him with a combo that ends with a low kick that drops Bowles. Bowles gets up. 2:35 to go. Cruz kicks low and nearly gets countered by a Bowles’ right hand. Another good low kick from Cruz. His footwork is looking superior, and he’s using his length to flurry, kick and separate. An accidental low strike from Cruz halts the action. It was a knee and follow-up kick. Cruz jabs. Bowles still swinging for the fences while Cruz dips in and out and throws a variety of strikes. Bowles lands, but Cruz responds with his hands. Cruz finishes a takedown to close out the round.
Jordan Breen scored the round 10-9 Cruz
TJ De Santis scored the round 10-9 Cruz
Freddie DeFreitas scored the round 10-9 Cruz
The fight is over. The doctor appears to have stopped the fight between rounds while examining Bowles. The official word is that Bowles did not answer the bell due to "injury," and Cruz is the new champion. Bowles said he broke his hand on his first punch.