[UFC]: Toney lavora con Ibarra per il suo debutto | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

5 marzo 2010

[UFC]: Toney lavora con Ibarra per il suo debutto

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James Toney’s transition to mixed martial arts has begun.

Juanito Ibarra, the former trainer of Quinton “Rampage” Jackson, told Sherdog.com Wednesday that he has been working with the 41-year-old MMA novice on the fundamentals he will need to add to his repertoire if he hopes to be successful in the UFC.

“We have been working on stretching, sprawling and movement, all the things he will need to get a handle on,” Ibarra said.

Toney has amassed an impressive 72-6-3 record as a professional boxer, picking up championships in six different weight classes over his 21-plus years in boxing.

Ibarra said he wasn’t sure about an opponent or a date for Toney’s first bout. The trainer said he hopes Toney would be matched up with Kimbo Slice, noting that Toney should be given an opportunity to “get his feet under him” in the UFC.

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