[UFC 111]: St-Pierre vs Hardy - GSP Promises to take the fight to Hardy (27/03/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

24 marzo 2010

[UFC 111]: St-Pierre vs Hardy - GSP Promises to take the fight to Hardy (27/03/2010)

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Georges St. Pierre is set to take on challenger Dan Hardy for his welterweight title at UFC 111 Saturday night. As one of the top mixed martial artists in the world, St. Pierre is expected to run over Hardy, but the Canadian has refused to overlook his foe.

In this exclusive training-camp footage, St. Pierre and his coaches break down the Hardy bout and detail the preparations that went into his pre-fight regimen. Check it out, only at Sherdog.com.

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