[Team Super Pro Anniversary]: risultati - Kraus, Verhoeven, altri (06/03/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

10 marzo 2010

[Team Super Pro Anniversary]: risultati - Kraus, Verhoeven, altri (06/03/2010)

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This past weekend saw some top names fighting in Holland as part of the Team Super Pro 10th Anniversary event. The double main event featured Albert Kraus v. William Diender and Alviar Lima v. Warren Stevelmans.

Kraus continued his resurgance, earning a decision victory over Diender. After being somewhat written off in 2008, Kraus has been on a great run of late, going 9-1 in his last 10, with his only loss coming to #1 Giorgio Petrosyan. Kraus continues to look the best he has in a few years, and for fans of his, it's exciting to see just how far this surge can take him. Diender meanwhile continues to be a fighter more about what could be than about what is, as he continues to struggle against higher level opposition.

In the co-main event, Alviar Lima dropped a decision to Warren Stevelmans. These men fought two years ago when Stevelmans defeated Lima in Lima's K-1 debut and this result was no different. This marks back to back loses for Lima, while Stevelmans gets back in the winners column after losing to Thai fighter Saiyok at Slamm VI.

Also of note, exciting heavyweight prospect Rico Verhoeven won via TKO over Alex Novovic, while Tahir Menxhiqi, who made his K-1 debut last year at the Final 16 in a loss to Chi Bin Lim, earned a decision over Golden Glory fighter Ait Breda. Full results after the jump.

Albert Kraus DEC Wiliam Diender
Warren Stevelmans DEC Alviar Lima
Rico Verhoeven TKO Alex Novovic
Tahir Menxhigi DEC Aitsaid Breda
MMA Rules: Danny Verhoeven KO Christopher Martha
MMA Rules: Hans Stringer KO Eddie Mermis
Jordy Sluis DEC Soufiane Charkoui
Rini van Gelder DEC Ryan Semeral
Bart Korteray DRAW Peter Janssen
Gradus Kraus DEC Jermey F.K. Den Bosch

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