[Strikeforce]: il campione dei pesi massimi Alistair Overeem farà il suo ritorno? | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

2 marzo 2010

[Strikeforce]: il campione dei pesi massimi Alistair Overeem farà il suo ritorno?

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After discussing Alistair Overeem's future again with his management, the only comment was that the next announcement we will hear about Alistair Overeem will come from Strikeforce. While the date and opponent have not been officially unveiled yet, the rumors right now are that Overeem will compete at DREAM.13 as well as Strikeforce in May. As for his opponent? The only solid guess right now is Neil Grove, who recently said he was fighting at DREAM.13. All signs are pointing for Alistair Overeem to fight in the United States again and very, very soon.

This of course could mean that Overeem will not participate on the K-1 World Grand Prix in Yokohama show if he is fighting at the DREAM event just days before and Strikeforce the next month. That of course will have to be ironed out in the coming weeks, as more of the fights for K-1 Yokohama and DREAM.13 start to filter out. The kickboxing world might have to wait for Ray Sefo vs. Alistair Overeem, which is a shame.

Although, K-1's Tanigawa does say on his twitter that Overeem will fight at 4/3 Yokohama and not DREAM.13. This has been a fun weekend for Alistair Overeem news. As always, grain of salt until there is a fight announced.

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