[Shooto SPIRIT 2010 Spring]: risultati (07/03/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

9 marzo 2010

[Shooto SPIRIT 2010 Spring]: risultati (07/03/2010)

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Paraestra ran their Shooto SPIRIT 2010 event this past Sunday March 7th from the Accel Hall in Sendai.

In the main event, Sou Tazawa (8-5-4) and Daisuke Ishizawa (5-6-1) ended their match in a draw. The Featherweight semi-main also ended in a draw between Toshiaki Hayasaka (0-5-1) and Daiki Takashima (0-0-1).

Takeshi Wagatsuma and Hitoshi Watanabe both had decision wins in the KuDo (Karate Rules) fights. Hitoshi Watanabe and Tetsu "Hadairo" Suzuki were both victorious in their Shooto Grappling rule matches.

In the 2010 Rookie Tournament bouts, Yo Saito (Lightweight), Jin Takano (Featherweight) and Yoshikazu Fujiishi (Welterweight) all picked up wins.

Shooto Brazil 15 is the next scheduled event from the Faculdade Bennett, Flamengo in Rio de Janeiro on Friday March 19th. Geovani Diniz (9-4) will meet Paulo Bananada (12-7) for the vacant South-Americas Welterweight Championship title.

Full results from Shooto SPIRIT 2010 after the jump.

Shooto SPIRIT 2010 Spring
Accel Hall, Sendai (Miyagi, JAPAN)
March 7th, 2010

9. -62kg contract 2 × 5min. rounds
Sou Tazawa (Draw 0-0) Daisuke Ishizawa

8. Featherweight (-60kg) 2 × 5min. rounds
Toshiaki Hayasaka (Draw 1-0) Daiki Takashima

7. KuDo (Karate) Special Rules (Openweight)
Takeshi Wagatsuma (Decision 3-0) Tomonori Sugiwara

6. KuDo (Karate) Special Rules (66kg)
Hitoshi Watanabe (Decision 3-0) Takamaro Watari

5. Shooto Grappling Rules (Lightweight)
Tetsu "Hadairo" Suzuki (1R 0:48, sub) Shin Katayama

4. -54kg contract 2 × 5min. rounds
Shigeyasu Fujita (2R 2:52,guillotine choke) Kazuyuki Yoshida

3. Lightweight(-65kg) 2 × 5min. rounds
(Rookie Tournament 2010: 1st round)
Yo Saito (1R 3:58,guillotine choke) Fumiya "Kuwai-D" Sasaki

2. Featherweight(-60kg) 2 × 5min. rounds
(Rookie Tournament 2010: 1st round)
Jin Takano (Decision 3-0) Takuya Ogura

1. Welterweight(-70kg) 2 × 5min. rounds
(Rookie Tournament 2010: 1st round)
Yoshikazu Fujiishi (1R 0:13,KO) Yuya Onodera

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