[Oktagon presents]: It's Showtime Milan - risultati completi (13/03/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

14 marzo 2010

[Oktagon presents]: It's Showtime Milan - risultati completi (13/03/2010)

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Full results are in for It's Showtime Milan and there's definitely some interesting outcomes to look at:

Giorgio Petrosyan def Khem Sitsongpeenong, DEC
Cosmo Alexandre def Dmitry Shakuta, TKO rd 2 (doctor stoppage due to cut)
Orono Vor Petchpoon def Egon Racz, TKO rd 3
Sudsakorn def Chahid Oulad El Hadj, DEC
Armen Petrosyan def Dzhabar Askerov, DEC
Brice Guidon def Hesdy Gerges, DEC (ext. round)

Julian Imeri def Fabio De Marco, DEC
Luca Panto def Wendel Roche, DEC
Yavuz Kayabasi def Hicham Bettani, DEC
Ali Cenik def Bruno Franchi, DEC
Federico Pacini def Robert Van Nimvegen, DEC
Sergeio Wilzen def Mattio Luppi, KO rd 3

The biggest news here is Guidon defeating Gerges in a pretty big upset. Guidon has been knocking on the door of the top level for some time, and this win should really propel him upwards.

I look forward to seeing footage of Giorgio Petrosyan's victory to see if he dominated, or if Khem was able to mount any effective game.

Cosmo Alexnadre has really been on a terrific roll lately with a number of big wins. Would love to see him rematch Yod.

Finally, what else can be said about Chahid? Four straight loses, the last 3 of which came against previously unranked opponents. These aren't cans he's losing to by any means, but he's really fallen apart in the last year. I hope he takes some time off to figure out how to fix his game, as whatever he's doing right now just is not working for him.

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