[MMA]: Arona sta recuperando dall'infortunio, spera di combattere negli Stati Uniti
He injured his knee during his win over Marvin Eastman in September at Bitetti Combat 4.
“I injured a ligament in the first round, but at the end of the second round, when I put my foot on the Octagon grid, I must have (torn) my meniscus. From that point on I felt a really hard pain, but I returned in the third round and fought standing up until the bell rang,” said Arona, who had surgery two months ago.
The two-time ADCC submission wrestling champion is now planning a return to training and to the ring
“In July I’ll restart my MMA training,” Arona said. “I got some calls from two American events. I want to be fighting in October or November.”
In the meantime, Arona had some thoughts on the MMA scene. Considered Wanderlei Silva’s top rival during the days of Pride, he liked the former Chute Boxe representative’s recent performance against Michael Bisping at UFC 110.
“It was the first time I saw Wanderlei fighting for real, conscious and managing the result,” Arona said. “He showed a good evolution by studying his opponent’s game.”
Arona did not know that Demian Maia will be challenging Anderson Silva at UFC 112, but he was intrigued of the matchup when told it is set.
“Demian is going to be an excellent test for Anderson,” Arona said, “to show his jiu-jitsu skills and prove if he really has a high level on the ground.”