[K-1]: WGP in Yokohama - si vocifera Badr Hari vs Alexey Ignashov (03/04/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

4 marzo 2010

[K-1]: WGP in Yokohama - si vocifera Badr Hari vs Alexey Ignashov (03/04/2010)

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New info on rumors for a major fight for K-1's Yokohama show. Kombat.ro is reporting that on April 3 we may see Badr Hari v. Alexey Ignashov. Normally, Kombat.ro is a very reliable source, however they are calling this a rumor, so at this point it's definitely not a done deal.

If it does indeed go down, this will be a great fight for the hardcore fans. At one time thought to be the future of the sport, Ignashov is a fighter that many fans fondly remember for his very strong performances in the early 2000's, including a KO over Semmy Schilt. Starting in 2005 he went on a downward spiral in the ring, though looked strong in his last outing for K-1 ColliZion, scoring a highlight reel KO over Ron Sparks.

What makes him such an interesting opponent for Hari is the two men's history. This is a rematch of their 2003 outing where Ignashov knocked Hari out at the very end of the 3rd round. There is no doubt Hari wants to avenge that loss, and while Ignashov is not the fighter he was in 2003, the emotion each man will bring still makes this a great fight. Fingers crossed that it moves from rumor to actual fight soon!

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