[K-1]: Warsaw and Vilnius - tournament brackets Set (28/03/2010 and 10/04/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

11 marzo 2010

[K-1]: Warsaw and Vilnius - tournament brackets Set (28/03/2010 and 10/04/2010)

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There's been so many K-1 cards announced in recent weeks it can be tough to keep up. Well, here are two more to add to the list. The brackets have been announced for the K-1 regional tournaments to be held March 28 in Warsaw, Poland, and April 10 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Winners of both of these tournaments will qualify for the East Europe GP in Bucharest on May 21, and the winner of that event will earn a spot in the Final 16.

The first round matches for Warsaw on March 28 are:

Izu Ugonoh (Poland) vs. Martynas Knyzelis (Lithuania)
Daniil Sapljoshin (Estonia) vs Kiril Pendjurov (Bulgaria)
Dmitri Bezus (Ukraine) vs Rowan Tol (Netherlands)
Tomasz Sarara (Polond) vs Almaz Kacenow (Kazakstan)

The name that jumps out as an early favorite here is Dmitri Bezus. Bezus was a reserve fighter at last year's Europe GP in Lodz who earned a spot in the tournament when another fighter was injured. There, he was defeated by Sergei Lascenko, but he looked promising in his reserve fight win. He also holds a victory over the tough Konstantin Gluhov.

Already announced for this show in non-tournament action: Paul Slowinski v. Konstantin Gluhov, and Remigijus Morkevicius v. Michal Glogowski.

First round matches for Vilnius on April 10 are:

Mindaugas Sakalauskas (Lithuania) vs. Vasijlav Vecislav (Russia)
Wieslaw Kwasniewski (Poland) vs Todor Todorov (Bulgaria)
Sergeij Maslabojavas (Lituania) vs Fatih Ulusoy (Turkey)
Andrei Bokan (Estonia) vs Utley Meriana (Netherlands)

My pick here is Sakalauskas, who took ranked fighter Zabit Samedov to an extra round at last year's Europe GP before losing a close decision. Also look for a strong showing from Andrei Bokan, who won a regional tournament in Estonia last year.

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