[K-1]: UPDATE: Badr Hari Claims No Involvement in Nightclub Assault | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

27 marzo 2010

[K-1]: UPDATE: Badr Hari Claims No Involvement in Nightclub Assault

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An update on yesterday's story regarding Badr Hari's alleged involvement in an assault on an Amsterdam bouncer: Hari's lawyer has issued a statement denying the former K-1 champion had any involvement in the attack.

According to his lawyer Benedicte Ficq, Hari "denies having anything to do with this" and says that if the police do have any evidence, they should summon him. Ficq also said that Hari is willing to cooperate, however voiced frustration with the police for publicly accusing Hari before bringing him in for questioning.

Eyewitness accounts allegedly identified Hari as one of the assailants, however the police have received a number of tips since going public with the story and have decided to conduct more interviews with witnesses before deciding if they will bring Hari in.

The attack has also been confirmed as taking place at Club Bling in Amsterdam. Some sites are reporting that the attack took place in February, however according to Dutch newspaper Het Parool, it was indeed this past weekend.

It's too early to say Hari is in the clear yet, but for the police to be backing off for now means that at least he's no longer avoiding the police, which is obviously a good thing.

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