[K-1]: Saenchai, Kaoklai win in California event | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

23 marzo 2010

[K-1]: Saenchai, Kaoklai win in California event

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Saenchai Sor Kingstar vs Tetsuya Yamato

This past weekend saw two of Muay Thai's biggest international stars competin on American soil as Saenchai sor Kingstar and Kaoklai Kaennorsing both took part in a Muay Thai event in El Monte, California. Both Thai fighters emerged victorious, with Kaoklai scoring a 3rd round knockout via elbows over Magnum Sakai, while Saenchai had a spectacular highlight reel KO in round 1 against Tetsuya Yamato. Saenchai's full fight can be seen below.

Also of note, Kaoklai mentioned a desire to move to Los Angeles to work as a trainer, which certainly would be a moost to the US Muay Thai scene.

Full results after the jump, with comments courtesy of K-1Fans.

#fight 1: Justin Nguyen vs Antonio de la Cruz (130lbs) 3x2
Justin by KO (punch) at 1:45 of round 1.

#fight 2: Roy Corona vs William ? - he was a last minute replacement (150lbs)
Roy by three round unanimous decision.

#fight 3: Yamato Miura vs Tony Juan (135lbs) 3X2
Yamato by TKO (Corner stop/towel) at 1:24 of round 2. a good fight by local japanese guy. tons of knees in the clinch and the corner throws in the towel..

#fight 4: Prudencio Portillo vs Bounthong Syvanthong (155lbs) 3x2
Syvanthong by three round split decision. very even fight. laotian guy landed more clean kicks.

#fight 5: David Huerta (East LA) vs Jason Andrada (Master Toddy's)
Huerta by five round unanimous decision. Wins MTAA US Natioanal title (135lbs).

#fight 6: Kristin Shepard (Riverside, CA) vs Malia Spynol (San Fra, CA)
Kristin by 5 round unanimous decision. Wins (130lbs) MTAA US National title.

#fight 7: Saenchai Sor Kingstar vs Tetsuya Yamato
Saenchai by KO (left high kick) round 1. Wins MTAA Lightweight (135lbs) World title. pretty scary KO, Yamato straight to hospital.

#fight 8: Magnum Sakai vs Kaoklai Kaennorsing
Kaoklai by KO (left uppercut elbow) round 3. Wins WBC Muaythai Light-heavyweight World title (175lbs). I thought both counts came in 2nd. Magnum got spliced up bad by elbows. Nokweed was a referee and let the fight continue. Magnum was tough and landed some good punches. never expected such a elbow fest by Kaoklai. the whole house was rockin.

#fight 9: Andy Lazarit vs Mike Ellison (165lbs)
Lazarit by split decision. Personally thought Ellison won. very even fight.

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