[DEEP 47]: il match di ritiro di Miku Matsumoto sarà una esibizione contro Megumi Fujii (17/04/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

5 marzo 2010

[DEEP 47]: il match di ritiro di Miku Matsumoto sarà una esibizione contro Megumi Fujii (17/04/2010)

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Today the DEEP organization announced the retirement bout of 28-year-old Miku Matsumoto (23-4). She will face Megumi Fujii (19-0) in an exhibition which will see two of the world's top pound-for-pound female fighters meet for the first time. The match will happen at DEEP 47 on April 17th.

Matsumoto, the Deep Women's Lightweight (106 lbs.) Champion announced her retirement at last weekends DEEP.46 show. In a blog entry on March 2, Matsumoto stated that she had become detached from MMA and no longer had the ability to continue serious training or perform as a professional fighter. She further stated that she had no regrets about her decision to retire. Matsumoto is the #3-ranked pound-for-pound female MMA fighter in the world by MMARising.com

Megumi Fujii, the current #1-ranked pound-for-pound female MMA fighter is undefeated in 19-fights dating back to May 2004. She most recently defeated veteran striker "Windy" Tomomi Sunaba by first-round armbar at Shooto: "Revolutionary Exchanges 3" on November 23, 2009.

It's a shame that Matsumoto is retiring so young, but female fight fans will be elated that a match between these two ladies is finally taking place.

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