[BOXE / UFC] Play nice | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

13 marzo 2010

[BOXE / UFC] Play nice

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You go and get James Toney out of boxing’s hair, and all of a sudden you make some friends. A Star-Telegram report centered on Pacquiao/Clottey Thursday made note that UFC chair Dana White has been taking to Twitter to talk up the boxing bout.

"I am of a generation where mixed martial arts is strange to me,” promoter Bob Arum said. “I don't particularly care for it, but that's personal taste. I know that they've done a wonderful job promoting it and they're nice people. I think it's good that we're going to help each other."

This is not exactly philanthropy: promoters rarely do things that do not involve promoting, however subtle. In trumpeting the fight, White can get his name floated in boxing press while taking questions and giving answers on that sport’s failure to deliver the only meaningful match left in Pacquiao/Mayweather.

You want big fights? C’mere, kid. Dana wants to tell you something. Is that recorder on?

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