[ZST.23]: risultati (20/02/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

22 febbraio 2010

[ZST.23]: risultati (20/02/2010)

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ZST.23 took place today from the Shinjuku FACE in Tokyo. In the main event, ZST Bantamweight Champion Keisuke Fujiwara (8-2-3) retained his title after defeating Shunichi Shimizu (16-6-7) by decision after the fight went the full five rounds. After the match, Fujiwara praised the ZST organization and also said he'd like another shot fighting in DREAM.

Also on the main card, Naoyuki Kotani (20-9-7) and Kenichi Ito (7-3-5) ended in a draw, as did Toshihiro Shimizu (7-8-6) and Tetsuya Fusano (5-1-2). Kohei Kuraoka (8-3-1) handed Masamitsu Nakamura (3-1-1) his first loss.

February 20th, 2010
Shinjuku FACE

ZST Bantamweight Title (5R x 5Min)
6. Keisuke Fujiwara (c) Def. Shunichi Shimizu (Decision)

2R x 5Min:
5. LW: Naoyuki Kotani vs. Kenichi Ito (DRAW)
4. LW: LUIZ Def. Motoki Osako (1R 1:34 Front Choke)
3. BW: Toshihiro Shimizu vs. Tetsuya Fusano (DRAW)
2. FW: Yuichiro Yajima Def. Yuru Hayasaka (1R 1:45 Armlock)
1. FW: Kohei Kuraoka Def. Masamitsu Nakamura (1R 1:28 Strikes)

SWAT! Fights (2R x 5Min)
4. LW: Yosuke Akahiro vs. Takashi Yasui (DRAW)
3. FW: Takahiro Baba Def. Kotaku Kawazu (2R 1:29)
2. FW: Ryota Kobayashi Def. Akira Omura (2R 1:29 TKO)
1. BW: Makoto Takenaka Def. Kengo Okubo (2R 1:43)

Genesis Fights (1R x 5Min)
1. BW: Teppei Shimizu Def. Fumitaka Iizuka (1R 0:30 KO)

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