[SRC 12]: "Armbar" Kim affronterà Maxi (07/03/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

19 febbraio 2010

[SRC 12]: "Armbar" Kim affronterà Maxi (07/03/2010)

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An opponent for Venezuelan Lightweight Maximo Blanco (4-2-1-) has been announced for the March 7th SRC12 event. It will be 23 year-old South Korean Armbar 'expert' Chang Hyun Kim (15-5-0). Kim is unbeaten in his last six fights dating back to March 2007. The nickname 'armbar' seems appropriate as the last 8 of his 15 victories have come by armbar submissions.

Brazilian Marlon Sandro (15-1-0) will make his 5th Sengoku appearance but his scheduled opponent had to drop out due to injury and there has been no replacement announced yet. Sandro's is coming off a knock out win over Yuji Hoshino (16-7-7) at Sengoku 11.

March 7th, 2010
Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan

8. SRC Middleweight Title: (5×5 mins): Jorge Santiago (c) (21-8-0) vs. Mamed Khalidov (20-3-1)
7. HW (3×5 mins): Yoshihiro “KISS” Nakao (8-2-0) vs. Sentoryu (6-9-0)
6. WW (3×5 mins): Akihiro Gono (31-1-5-7) vs. Diego Gonzalez (13-3-0)
5. LW (3×5 mins): Maximo Blanco (4-2-1) vs. Chang Hyun Kim (15-5-0)
4. LW (3×5 mins): Kiuma Kunioku (34-22-9) vs. Leonardo Santos (6-3-0)
3. FW (3×5 mins): Yuji Hoshino (16-7-7) vs. TBA
2. FW (3×5 mins): Marlon Sandro (15-1-0) vs. TBA
1. FW (3×5 mins) : Shigeki Osawa (4-1-0) vs. Kyung Ho Kang (4-2-0)

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