[Octagon u Sarajevu]: Overeem, Schilt, Leko presenti (24/04/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

16 febbraio 2010

[Octagon u Sarajevu]: Overeem, Schilt, Leko presenti (24/04/2010)

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Bosnia and Herzegovina is hosting an event called "Octagon u Sarajevo" in Sarajevo at the Olympic Indoor Sports Center on April 24th, 2010. The show will include world class MMA and K-1 kickboxers along with local Bosnian talent. The event is being put together by former UFC fighter Denis Stojnic, who trains with Golden Glory.

Four-time winner of the K-1 Grand Prix Semmy Schilt (MMA 26-14-1), Strikeforce heavyweight champion Alistair Overeem (MMA 32-11), two time K-1 World GP Las Vegas winner Stefan Leko (MMA 0-3) and the great Norwegian Grappler John Olav Einemo (6-1 MMA) are scheduled to appear.

Stojnić said during the press conference, "I am glad that I managed to bring all of these names to your city in which I feel is best. Thank to Golden Glory team who responded to this invitation. Thanks to everyone who supported this project".

Open.: Semmy Schilt (26-14-1) vs. Jurgen Dolch (1-6)
93 kg.: Stefan Leko (0-3) Vs. Mumaer Tufekcic (0-0)
Open. Denis Stojnic (5-3) Vs. Michel McDonald (1-1)
Open.: Ibro Miladin (0-0) Vs. Miodrag Petkovic (29-10-1)
93 kg.: Khalid Arraba (7-3) Vs. BARICA Matias (4-2)
Open.: Alistair Overeem (32-11) Vs. Sasa Milanovic (0-0)
Open. John Olav Einemo (6-1) Vs. Kresimir Bogdanovic (3-1-1)
Open.: Valentijn Overeem (26-25) Vs. Senad Hadzic (0-0)
Open. Michel Andrade (0-0) Vs. Dado Stojnic (0-0)
Open. Paul Cahoon (11-12) Vs. Damir Mihailovic (6-5)

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