[MMA]: Ich-Ni-San.. Uhh, Seriously? Inoki Might Run Another NYE Show

So of course, to celebrate Inoki's involvement in the martial arts world for 50 years, Inoki might be scheming up a new show to rival K-1's Dynamite!! event. NightmareOfBattle posted this alarming news earlier.
Tokyo Sports reported yesterday that Antonio Inoki will make his NYE revival this year. The reason is that this year is the 50th anniversary of his debut. The article calls it Inoki Matsuri Fukkatsu (Inoki Festival Revival/Resurrection/Rebirth). If the event is held on December 31st it will go head-to-head with Dynamite!! and it could be an all-out war.
Tokyo Sports isn’t always the most reliable source though. However, I doubt Inoki wouldn’t do anything special for his 50th anniversary.