[MMA]: debutto di Mayorga previsto per il 15 maggio

I expressed the same doubt over Mayorga fighting in MMA as I did when Mike Tyson, Floyd Mayweather, and a half-dozen other boxers made the same lap around press row. Most of the time, it’s just free ink on a slow news day. That some are now seriously considering this step is a bad, bad sign for their sport. If Mayorga, James Toney, and others are entertaining MMA-level paydays, we have little choice but to assume the seven-figure salaries that papered boxing in the 1990s are out the door.
I still reserve the right to believe this only when I see it. But if Mayorga does make it to the ring, he would become easily the most accomplished boxer under the age of 40 to have his go at it. Whether this is brave or desperate is something I haven’t quite figured out yet.