Krush EX ~ New Generation Fight ~ risultati (19/02/2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

21 febbraio 2010

Krush EX ~ New Generation Fight ~ risultati (19/02/2010)

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KRUSH ran their New Generation Fight show on Friday evening in Tokyo. The theme of the event was the development and showcase of young prospects. Team Dragon members particpated in every match, and when it was all said and done came away with a very respectible 4 wins and 3 losses.

In the main event, it was the 19 year-old Team Dragon fighter Koya Urabe who came away with a decision win (30-29,30-29,30-28) in a close match against veteran Kohei "KING" Fujiwara. The 2008 K-1 Koshien Runner-up improves his overall record to 5-1. Urabe said after his fight, "I still have a long way to go although it is K-1 and there seems to be a game of 63kg. Two.. three... more matches and if I work hard it is possible to become a top class". With K-1 announcing today the potential for a 63kg weight class, Urabe appears keen for a chance to make a name for himself.

Other Team Dragon winners were Hirotaka Urabe beating Yasuaki Koyama by knockout in the second round, 20 year-old Takumi defeated Yuki Tamura by decision and Nami Isawa topped Jim Chai Sen by knockout.

Krush EX ~ New Generation Fight ~
Friday February 19th, 2010
Shinjuku FACE

3R x 3Min (Extended 1R)
63kg: Koya Urabe Def. Kohei "KING" Fujiwara (Decision 3-0)
60kg: Hirotaka Urabe Def. Yasuaki Koyama (KO 2R 2:41)

3R x3 Min
60kg: Suketaka Matsuno Def. Daizo Sasaki (Decision 3-0)
60kg: KAZUMA Def. Ryosuke Sasaki (KO 2R 2:09)
55kg: Takumi Def. Yuki Tamura (Decision 3-0)
55kg: Katsuki Sakaki Def. Norifumi Kitani (KO 1R 1:38)
55kg: Nami Isawa Def. Jim Chai Sen (KO 2R 1:38)

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