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[K-1 GRAND PRIX]: finali del 99' - video di tutti i combattimenti [HQ] (05/12/1999) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

18 febbraio 2010

[K-1 GRAND PRIX]: finali del 99' - video di tutti i combattimenti [HQ] (05/12/1999)

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K-1 continues to release some fantastic video on youtube from past shows. This time we get the K-1 Grand Prix '99 Final Round which took place on December 5th, 1999 from the Tokyo Dome.

It was the seventh K-1 World Grand Prix final involving eight of the world's best fighters, with all bouts fought under K-1 Rules. The eight finalists included Sam Greco, Ray Sefo, Mirko Cro Cop, Musashi, Ernesto Hoost, Andy Hug, Peter Aerts and Jerome Le Banner who had all qualified via elimination fights at the K-1 World Grand Prix '99 Opening Round. Also on the card was a number of 'Freshman Fights' and an 'Opening Fight' fought under a mixture of Jiu-Jitsu and K-1 Rules (various weight class) and two 'Super Fights' fought under K-1 Rules (various weight classes). In total there were twenty fighters at the event, representing eight countries.
★ Super Fight / K-1 Rules / 59kg Contract / 3min 5R
Kensaku Maeda vs Brad Hemming

★ Tournament Quarter-Finals (1) / K-1 Rules / 3 min 3R
Sam Greco vs Ray Sefo

★ Tournament Quarter-Finals (2) / K-1 Rules / 3 min 3R
Musashi vs Mirko CroCop

★ Tournament Quarter-Finals (3) / K-1 Rules / 3 min 3R
Andy Hug vs Ernesto Hoost

★ Tournament Quarter-Finals (3) / K-1 Rules / 3 min 3R
Peter Aerts vs Jerome Le Banner

★ Tournament Semifinals (1) / K-1 Rules / 3 min 3R
Sam Greco vs Mirko CroCop

★ Tournament Semifinal (2) / K-1 Rules / 3 min 3R
Ernesto Hoost vs Jerome Le Banner

★ Super Fight KO / K-1 Rules / 3min 5R
Stefan Leko vs Harry Hooft

★ Tournament Finals / K-1 Rules / 3 min 3R
Ernesto Hoost vs Mirko CroCop

★ Closing Ceremonies

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