Il combattimento di Van Damme spostato nuovamente a Las Vegas? Sarà De La Hoya a promuoverlo? (ottobre 2010) | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

20 febbraio 2010

Il combattimento di Van Damme spostato nuovamente a Las Vegas? Sarà De La Hoya a promuoverlo? (ottobre 2010)

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The latest news from the rumor mill surrounding the much discussed Jean Claude Van Damme v. Somluck Kamsing kickboxing fight set to take place in October 2010 is that the fight may indeed take place in Las Vegas after all, but with a new backer.

When the fight was first discussed late last year it was planned to take place in Vegas. However, when Van Damme made his first public comment on the fight, he confirmed that it would take place in China this coming October. The new possible plan is to switch the fight back to Vegas at the behest of Oscar De La Hoya, whose Golden Boy Promotions may end up promoting the fight.

This is probably a wise move for both Van Damme and Golden Boy. I truly think there is an audience who will be interested in seeing this fight and would purchase it on PPV. Obviously the size of that audience greatly depends on how it is presented, and for a PPV audience, attaching De La Hoya's name and putting it in Las Vegas gives it a much higher level of credibility and interest than the China option. The downside of course is that if you go to Vegas you have to deal with a commission, and what a commission will have to say about this fight remains unknown.

At this point, all signs point to this fight actually happening, though I would consider details such as the venue, date, and promoter to remain very much up in the air until an official announcement is made.

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