16 GENNAIO THAILAND VS CHALLENGER BANGKOK | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

15 gennaio 2010


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Thailand vs Challenger is Elite Boxings flagship creation in its bid to take muaythai to the next leve...l and attract a whole new generation of fans to the sport by combining the best international muaythai fights with quality entertainment at luxury venues across Thailand.

With the matchmaking supported by Thailands leading promoter, Songchai Ratanasuban, and the series sanctioned by the World Muaythai Council (WMC), the Thailand vs Challenger Series guarantees muaythai of the highest standard. Each event will see the Thai team taking on a different challenging nation under the theme Defending National Pride.
As part of Elite Boxings vision of attracting a whole new generation of fans from a wider demographic mix, Thailand vs Challenger combines the best international muaythai fights with quality entertainment. Each event will feature martial arts demonstrations, DJ shows, dancers and musicians to keep the fans entertained between bouts.
More info @ http://www.thailandvs.com



Video promo, girato al Baan Kai Muay

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