Battle Collossal VI | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

8 maggio 2009

Battle Collossal VI

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On Saturday May 9, 2009, Australian Muay Thai pioneer Phon Martdee presents WBC Muay Thai Battle Collossal 6 in Perth
The show looks to feature not only one, but two spectacular accolades being the WBC International titles where two big name Aussies 1) ‘Black Tiger’ Dusan Salva will fight New Zealand sensation Shannon Foreman and 2) Adelaide's Charles August will take on 'The KO King' Seyed Razi from Iran.

Other stars of the show will include the return of the Thai Smiling Assassin ‘Oley’ Sakonpetch V Kevin Ray NTG (Qld), Marco ‘Machine Gun’ Tentori, and for the WBC Muay Thai National Titles Jason ‘Destroyer’ Lea (WA) v Queensland’s Wayne Martin, WA’s Oliver Warren v Adelaide’s Allan Walkington and also the first time ever in Australia battle it out for WBC Muay Thai Female National Title between Theresa “Hurricane” Carter (WA) V Leighanne Banham (QLD).

Celebrating 20 years of promotions in Australia, BC6 looks to impress, with the other fights on the card promising brutality, entertainment and sporting triumph between Australia’s cream-of-the-crop talent. Muay Thai in it’s purest form, celebrating a long time coming in the West.

For more info call 0413 813 887

Ticket Prices
Corporate VIP $200.00, Golden ringside $100.00, Ringside table $75.00, Seat $50.00 and Standard $40.00

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