WBC Muaythai World Champion, 2009 Rajadamnern Stadium Champion. Thailand's Best?! | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

8 febbraio 2009

WBC Muaythai World Champion, 2009 Rajadamnern Stadium Champion. Thailand's Best?!

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World Boxing Council Muaythai World Champion Jomthong Chuwatanna (two time Rajadamnern Stadium Champion 2008-2009, and winner of the King's Cup trophy 2007) is battling with Saenchai Sor. Kingstar for the best fighter of Thailand 2009. In 2008 he beat some of the best Thai Muaythai fighters of this century including Anuwat Kaewsumrith, Saketdown Petchphayathai, Nongbee Kiateyongyuth, Petch Aek-Petch Tho Sitjaophor and Petcharaswin Seetarfery who was knocked out in the third round of the main event at Rajadamnern Stadium. He also recently beat Atom Yamada, from Japan, in Bejing.

The winner of the Thailand's best fighter of the year 2009 will be announced to the public on Saturday 24th January 2009.

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