'Cro Cop: Beyond Reality' | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

20 dicembre 2008

'Cro Cop: Beyond Reality'

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New Cro Cop Video Game: 'Cro Cop: Beyond Reality' (Screenshot)
Orlando film and Provox have joined forces to create a new Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic video game-- "Cro Cop: Beyond Reality". Dreamfighters.com has confirmed the news and roughly translated a summary of the press release:

So in short the story is based on a story Croatian Martial Artists, Crocop - Cro Cop: Beyond Reality. The cooperation with the Orlando film and Provox, 24sata brings you this is the entertainment adrenalin by super popular price of only 49.90 kuna! If you are a lover of computer games or just like good, relaxing entertainment, the game Cro Cop: Beyond Reality right choice for you. Mirko Filipović brought in an unforgettable adventure that will meet with a number of enemies and dangerous, unpredictably situations. Game, which was created in a high-performance animation, is a dynamic and interesting. Offers the option to choose fighters as well as the environment for the fight, and besides playing through levels, it is possible to conduct independent and fight against various enemies.
Game to look at all newsstands from 17 December and for only 49.90 kuna! You can order via the web and shop 24sata.

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