Party with the Iceman after UFC 85 | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

5 giugno 2008

Party with the Iceman after UFC 85

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Fighters Inc present John Huntington’s “ONE NIGHT STAND” at an exclusive venue in 02 Arena, London.

After UFC 85 on SATURDAY 7TH JUNE, party like a “ROCKSTAR” from 10pm - 4am with special guest CHUCK “THE ICEMAN” LIDDELL plus other special guests in attendance.

Dj’s spinning everything from Hip Hop to Rock are DJ Colin Francis (Sintilate, London) & John Huntington (Pimp n Ho, USA)

Limited Tickets £30 in advance only on a strictly first come, first served basis.

Please note this is a ticket only event, in association with Sucker Punch! Available in all good retail stores 7th July.

Fighters Inc will contact all who purchased tickets the week before the event will the details of the venue. This is to avoid over crowding at the door on the night. Your name will be associated to your order number on the guest list at the door, so if you have purchased tickets for someone else and you are not going to attend, please inform Fighters Inc upon contact or via email. Please bring your order confirmation and ID with you to the venue.

TICKET INFORMATION HOTLINES - 07961 867 501 / 07779 472 332 or Email

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