Cage Rage 27 | Blog Megathai - K1, MMA, Boxe e Muay Thai a Bologna >

19 giugno 2008

Cage Rage 27

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Cage Rage 27 - Step Up - July 12th 2008 - London, Robert "Buzz" Berry vs Neil Grove

Cage Rage will again be delivering another mammoth show in Cage Rage 27 Step up, when they return to London's Wembly Arena. Robert "Buzz" Berry takes on Neil Grove and LondonShoots Mustapha Alturk takes on James McSweeneyXFA agrees a Promotional Agreement with Shawn Tompkins from Xtreame Couture.

Known to most as the face and coach behind the gloves of many of the Xtreame Coutures elite, Tompkins - it has be reported - has agreed to fight for the XFA and will make his debut in the XFA ring this fall at XFA 3 in Las more

Cage Warriors and MAX Xtreme Fighting Opens US Office

MAX Xtreme Fighting opened it's first US office this week in Manhattan, Park Avenue, New York. This will establish the very first European Promotion with an International office

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